This section contains instructions for installation and use of software. Before you ask your question to the support team, read this section and only after that, if you have not found the answer to your question, you can contact us.


Here is the link to download instructions and other files to install

Installing the original Uuprogs software from Elrasoft

Here are the instructions for downloading and installing the Uuprogs software for UPA-USB programmer.


1. Link to login to your Elrasoft account:

2. Log in with your User Name and Password. User Name and password will be sent to you by e-mail, when you pay for the programmer order, along with the attached license file uuprogs.lic

Login: RU276543210 (example)

Password: wnawvjxd (example)

3. In your account you will see a link to download the latest Uuprogs software version.


4. After the download is complete, unzip the downloaded file and run the installer.

5. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

6. Copy the uuprogs.lic file into the uuprogs installation folder. By default, the folder is located in the way:

C:\Program Files(x86)\ELRASOFT\UPA-USB Suite\Device Programmer-S

7. Install the device driver. The driver is located in the program folder:

C:\Program Files\ELRASOFT\UPA-USB Suite\USB Driver

8. Connect the UPA programmer and run the Uuprogs program.

9. When the activation dialog box appears, click the "get activation" button.


10. Login with the User Name and password received from the ELRASOFT customer center as above.

User Name: RU276543210 (example)

Password: wnawvjxd (example)

11. If necessary, enter the hardware code and click "get activation" .

12. Copy the activation key and paste it in the uuprogs activation window, click "activate".

If you have any questions about the operation, installation, activation of the UPA-USB programmer, please contact Elrasoft support by e-mail:

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Serial number for ordering scripts

The serial number can always be found in the lower uuprog window, when the programmer is connected as shown in the figure below:


Calculators and scripts installation


Recall that Uuprog program works under Windows XP (SP3) and in later versions.

1. Create the DeviceScripts folder in the program folder (if It is not created during the installation)

the path to this folder for Windows XP looks like this:

C:\Program Files\ELRASOFT\UPA-USB Suite\Device Programmer\DeviceScripts or

C:\Program Files(86)\ELRASOFT\UPA-USB Suite\Device Programmer\DeviceScripts in later versions of Windows

the path may be different if you choose a different installation location.

2. Put scripts files (.udxp) into DeviceScripts folder:

C:\Program Files(86)\ELRASOFT\UPA-USB Suite\Device Programmer\DeviceScripts\

3. Install Help files. Use the way to create new folder: 


4. Restart the program Uuprog (UPA-USB). In the device tree (on the left side of the program window) you will find installed calculators and scripts.


5. Note that the program works with the programmer only in the first running window of the program, where the connection with the programmer is determined. Do not forget connect the programmer before running the uuprogs program. Without the programmer, the scripts will not work.

Working with SoftDump scripts

After installing the new scripts and restarting the uuprogs program you can find a list of them in the device tree (Device Manager) on the left side of the working screen of the program. Click on one of the required items from the list and a window of the script you need will appear in the right part of the editor dump.


Most of the calculator Windows are the same type. Consider the purpose of buttons and information areas on the example of one of them:

The <Read > button is used to start reading information from the connected device. The device must be connected in accordance with the pins of the programmer (use the script files and the programmer). When you press the <Read> button, the process of reading from the device starts immediately. Don't interrupt. If the programmer was not connected, the dump is read from the open dump file in the uuprog window. When the read procedure is complete, you will be prompted to save the read dump. The file name and ID is generated automatically, but you can change it for your own reasons and choose a location to store the file. Attention! Be sure to keep your family a few dumps! This will allow you to always return to the original state in case of incorrect actions to correct the dump files and its records.

The <Apply > button is used to apply new parameters, for example, mileage, after its change in the mileage correction area. Enter the new odometer value and click <Apply> and the modified code dump in the area, including the area of the data path and checksum. Save the modified dump if necessary.

The <Write > button is used to write a dump to the device. Check that the device is connected to the programmer correctly. Click <Write>. The process of writing the file currently open in the editor will start immediately. Do not interrupt the writing process. After writing, will the message about the successful completion of writing process. You can check the result of the writing by re-reading from the device by  <Read>button. Then disconnect the device from the programmer.

The <Help> button calls the help messages and help photo files. If the script is designed for several car models at once, several help Windows will be opened. Find the desired one in the tabs. When viewing the help, the photo can be approached using the mouse wheel. After you have read the reference data, close the reference tabs or simply go to the first tab with the dump editor and continue working with the calculator.

The <Swap> button is used to rearrange the bytes in the Hex word. You may only need it if you decide to use a dump file read by another type of programmer, in which the order of reading bytes in the word differs from the order of UPA-USB. Open the donor (third-party) dump file. Press the <Read>button. If the indication differs from the indications in the description of the file, then press <Swap>. If after that the reading does not match the description, then either you use a wrong file or a wrong calculator.

The <Open > button use to open files stored on your computer's hard drive.

The <Save> button is used to save files on the computer's hard disk.

<Program Modified Only > function. This feature is used by default in SoftDump scripts. After editing the dump, the modified area Of EEPROM memory is marked in red in the editor (when working with Flash memory is not marked, as it is not laid down by the manufacturer). By clicking on this feature, you enable and disable the "Program Modified Only" function. When this feature is removed, the dump to the device will be completely rewritten from the zero address to the last.

The <Information > field contains the current operational information about working with the file: file Size, part of the Hex code, operation mode, hints and errors in actions.

The <Instruction > field contains short and detailed instructions, where necessary.

SoftDump script package Update

Updates are only available in batch offers.  Administrator SoftDump will send  actual packages or give a link for downloading. Before updating the scripts, the previous version of the package should be removed from the working folder with the scripts.

You must update the help files with the package. You also will get a link to download help files from the administrator. The standard path to the help files will be as follows:

C:\Program Files\ELRASOFT\UPA-USB Suite\Device Programmer-S\DeviceScripts\SOFTDUMP HELP

* If you have not selected a different path for the location of the script files.

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